Любовь Андреа
El amor de Andrea
- Год 2023
- Страна Испания
- Перевод AlphaProject
Продолжительность::101 мин. / 01:41 мин.
Премьера (в мире):2023-10-23
Премьера (в Украине):2023-10-24
Мануэль Мартин Куенка
Краткий обзор фильма:
Andrea is a 15-year-old girl living in Cádiz with her mother and little brothers. Despite being a teenager, she leads a very busy life, attending high school, picking up her brothers Tomás and Fidel, as well as helping her working mother at home. Andrea has almost no time to meet her friends or do anything else. Her life is missing something, and she’s determined not to stop until she finds it.