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    Краткий обзор фильма:
    Монро - блестящий и необычный нейрохирург. Порочный гений, который никогда и никому не позволяет забыть об его пороках или гениальности. Каждый эпизод представит одну захватывающую историю о ситуации на грани между жизнью и смертью. Драма расскажет о том, как серьёзная травма или болезнь вторгаются в жизнь каждого, кто соприкоснулся с этим от персонала больницы до пациентов и родственников. А также, как эти люди за несколько дней поневоле становятся неблагополучным семейством, объединённым надеждами, страхом и печалью. В центре всего этого находится Монро, его ученики, его анестезиолог и его умение блефовать - и его коллега кардиохирург Дженни Бремнер, которая с презрением относится к его самомнению.
    Дата выхода серий 1 сезона
    S1:E11 Сезон, 1 Серия
    At work, Monroe has the courage to perform cutting-edge brain surgery but at home, he is afraid to admit that his life is falling apart. When Alison Bannister is admitted with a brain tumour, Monroe has to help her make a frightening decision. To go ahead with an operation could leave Alison paralysed or unable to speak, yet without surgery, she is likely to die within a few years. Does she want to survive if surgery might change who she is? And can Monroe get her through this crisis as his own life starts to spiral out of control?
    Episode 1
    S1:E21 Сезон, 2 Серия
    As Monroe struggles to accept the fact that his wife Anna has left him, he throws himself into work and tries to pretend that his life is not in freefall. Can he find the courage to tell his son the truth about why his marriage ended? At the hospital, Monroe and cardiac surgeon Jenny Bremner have to deal with a double shooting after a 14-year-old boy accidentally shoots his 12-year-old brother before attempting to kill himself.
    Episode 2
    S1:E31 Сезон, 3 Серия
    A former soldier is admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in his brain and Monroe controversially decides against surgery. Bremner is tempted to break her own rule about remaining detached from her patients, and Springer tries to cover up the fact that he has `mislaid' a patient.
    Episode 3
    S1:E41 Сезон, 4 Серия
    Monroe finds that 'civilised divorce' is much harder than he had imagined and his attempts to enter the world of dating seem doomed to failure. At the hospital, Monroe tries to persuade an epileptic man to have an operation that could stop his religious hallucinations, and Bremner is furious to find that she is the subject of gossip about her relationship with Shepherd.
    Episode 4
    S1:E51 Сезон, 5 Серия
    Monroe has to confront the prospect of operating on a colleague when registrar Sally Fortune collapses. Bremner reaches a decision about her relationship with Shepherd, and Monroe helps his estranged wife Anna build a new life.
    Episode 5
    S1:E61 Сезон, 6 Серия
    When a 13-year-old girl is admitted to hospital after a road accident, Monroe believes there is little chance of saving her and an operation could leave her severely damaged. However, her father begs him to operate and give her a chance to live - whatever the consequences. The trainees face their final assessments and Shepherd considers leaving following his break-up with Bremner.
    Episode 6

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      1 сезон 1 серия Монро 1 серия Неизвестно дней
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