Каин и Авель
Kaingwa Abel
- Год 2009
- Страна Корея Южная
- Перевод GREEN TEA
Продолжительность::60 мин мин.
Премьера (в мире):18 февраля 2009
Премьера (в Украине):2009-02-19
Ким Хён-щик
Краткий обзор фильма:
Cпycтя 7 лeт пocлe внeзaпнoгo oтъeздa в Южнyю Kopeю вoзвpaщaeтcя Ли Coн-у - тaлaнтливый и пpизнaнный кoллeгaми xиpypг. Ha poдинe мнoгoe измeнилocь. Maть бopeтcя зa влacть в бoльницe, oтeц лeжит в кoмe, a любимaя дeвyшкa пocлe дoлгoгo oжидaния пpeдпoчлa млaдшeгo бpaтa – тoжe xиpypгa Чхo-инa. Чхо-ин – вeceлый, дoбpый и oткpытый, бeзмepнo cчacтлив вoзвpaщeнию бpaтa. Oн вceгдa идeaлизиpoвaл eгo, cчитaя oбpaзцoм для пoдpaжaния. A вoт чyвcтвa Coн-у к бpaтy нe cтoль чиcты. Oн любит eгo, нo oднoвpeмeннo зaвидyeт и peвнyeт. Eмy вceгдa кaзaлocь, чтo oтeц больше любил млaдшeгo сына. Дa eщё и мaть пoдпитывaeт eгo cвoeй нeнaвиcтью к Чхо-инy. Mнoгo лeт нaзaд oтeц ycынoвил eгo бeз eё coглacия. Дo чeгo мoжeт дoвecти нeнaвиcть бpaтa к бpaтy?
Дата выхода серий 1 сезона
S1:E1 —
1 Сезон,
1 Серия 18 февраля 2009
At the Chinese border, Cho-in gets shot and loses consciousness. On a Korea-bound flight, Seon-woo helps a sick person whom he takes to his hospital.
Episode 1
At the Chinese border, Cho-in gets shot and loses consciousness. On a Korea-bound flight, Seon-woo helps a sick person whom he takes to his hospital.
S1:E2 —
1 Сезон,
2 Серия 19 февраля 2009
In China, Young-ji becomes Cho-in's guide. She is told he is a Korean con artist on the run, and is instructed to monitor his every move.
Episode 2
In China, Young-ji becomes Cho-in's guide. She is told he is a Korean con artist on the run, and is instructed to monitor his every move.
S1:E3 —
1 Сезон,
3 Серия 25 февраля 2009
Cho-in successfully removes Young-ji's appendix. Young-ji realizes she was wrong to think he was a con artist, and saves him from Bok-geun.
Episode 3
Cho-in successfully removes Young-ji's appendix. Young-ji realizes she was wrong to think he was a con artist, and saves him from Bok-geun.
S1:E4 —
1 Сезон,
4 Серия 26 февраля 2009
Cho-in goes missing. Seo-yeon flies to China with Seon-woo and collapses upon seeing Cho-in's belongings. Young-ji's pictures are in his camera.
Episode 4
Cho-in goes missing. Seo-yeon flies to China with Seon-woo and collapses upon seeing Cho-in's belongings. Young-ji's pictures are in his camera.
S1:E5 —
1 Сезон,
5 Серия 04 марта 2009
While running for his life, Cho-in sees posters in an alley and stops in his tracks. He forgets he's being chased, and Gang-cheol jumps in to help.
Episode 5
While running for his life, Cho-in sees posters in an alley and stops in his tracks. He forgets he's being chased, and Gang-cheol jumps in to help.
S1:E6 —
1 Сезон,
6 Серия 05 марта 2009
As Cho-in doesn't recognize him, Seon-woo says he's not his brother. In Korea, Seon-woo proceeds with Cho-in's funeral although he knows he's alive.
Episode 6
As Cho-in doesn't recognize him, Seon-woo says he's not his brother. In Korea, Seon-woo proceeds with Cho-in's funeral although he knows he's alive.
S1:E7 —
1 Сезон,
7 Серия 11 марта 2009
Cho-in is determined to recover his memories with Young-ji. Having come to Korea under a false name, he gets grilled by the NIS as a murder suspect.
Episode 7
Cho-in is determined to recover his memories with Young-ji. Having come to Korea under a false name, he gets grilled by the NIS as a murder suspect.
S1:E8 —
1 Сезон,
8 Серия 12 марта 2009
Upon seeing Seo-yeon, Young-ji takes Cho-in's hand and runs away. Cho-in feels sad about Young-ji's shabby place, and they spend the night together.
Episode 8
Upon seeing Seo-yeon, Young-ji takes Cho-in's hand and runs away. Cho-in feels sad about Young-ji's shabby place, and they spend the night together.
S1:E9 —
1 Сезон,
9 Серия 18 марта 2009
Upon seeing Chi-soo at Young-ji's place, Cho-in jumps at him with rage. He says he is responsible for her brother's death, but she tells him to stop.
Episode 9
Upon seeing Chi-soo at Young-ji's place, Cho-in jumps at him with rage. He says he is responsible for her brother's death, but she tells him to stop.
S1:E10 —
1 Сезон,
10 Серия 19 марта 2009
Young-ji finds out that Cho-in is trying to get his memories back, and they fight. Her saying that he will lose his memories with her saddens him.
Episode 10
Young-ji finds out that Cho-in is trying to get his memories back, and they fight. Her saying that he will lose his memories with her saddens him.
S1:E11 —
1 Сезон,
11 Серия 25 марта 2009
Young-ji finds out that Cho-in is trying to get his memories back, and they fight. Her saying that he will lose his memories with her saddens him.
Episode 11
Young-ji finds out that Cho-in is trying to get his memories back, and they fight. Her saying that he will lose his memories with her saddens him.
S1:E12 —
1 Сезон,
12 Серия 26 марта 2009
Young-ji throws herself in front of a car to save Cho-in, and they get transported to a hospital. Seon-woo tries to put an end to Cho-in's life.
Episode 12
Young-ji throws herself in front of a car to save Cho-in, and they get transported to a hospital. Seon-woo tries to put an end to Cho-in's life.
S1:E13 —
1 Сезон,
13 Серия 01 апреля 2009
Cho-in is shocked to see Seon-woo and Seo-yeon kiss. Seo-yeon tries to run after him, only to be stopped by Seon-woo. Cho-in wallows in sadness.
Episode 13
Cho-in is shocked to see Seon-woo and Seo-yeon kiss. Seo-yeon tries to run after him, only to be stopped by Seon-woo. Cho-in wallows in sadness.
S1:E14 —
1 Сезон,
14 Серия 02 апреля 2009
Cho-in's surgery on Chi-soo is a success. Cho-in goes to the ICU, but Chi-soo is long gone. He only left a letter that says he's indebted to Young-ji.
Episode 14
Cho-in's surgery on Chi-soo is a success. Cho-in goes to the ICU, but Chi-soo is long gone. He only left a letter that says he's indebted to Young-ji.
S1:E15 —
1 Сезон,
15 Серия 08 апреля 2009
Cho-in is riddled with shock when he hears that his only brother tried to kill him. After seeing his brother nervously look for him, he turns back.
Episode 15
Cho-in is riddled with shock when he hears that his only brother tried to kill him. After seeing his brother nervously look for him, he turns back.
S1:E16 —
1 Сезон,
16 Серия 09 апреля 2009
At Seo-yeon's invitation, Cho-in goes to dinner, but feels uncomfortable. At the dinner table, Seon-woo announces he and Seo-yeon will get married.
Episode 16
At Seo-yeon's invitation, Cho-in goes to dinner, but feels uncomfortable. At the dinner table, Seon-woo announces he and Seo-yeon will get married.
S1:E17 —
1 Сезон,
17 Серия 15 апреля 2009
After confirming Seo-yeon knows everything, Seon-woo becomes enraged. He goes to see her and comes clean about Cho-in. She is speechless…
Episode 17
After confirming Seo-yeon knows everything, Seon-woo becomes enraged. He goes to see her and comes clean about Cho-in. She is speechless…
S1:E18 —
1 Сезон,
18 Серия 16 апреля 2009
A board meeting begins, and Cho-in refuses to give up. He learns that Chi-soo is with Young-ji, and ends up getting arrested for murdering Bok-geun.
Episode 18
A board meeting begins, and Cho-in refuses to give up. He learns that Chi-soo is with Young-ji, and ends up getting arrested for murdering Bok-geun.
S1:E19 —
1 Сезон,
19 Серия 22 апреля 2009
Cho-in learns about Seon-woo's condition, but he cannot forgive him. A new poster at the hospital gets people talking, and Seon-woo is cornered.
Episode 19
Cho-in learns about Seon-woo's condition, but he cannot forgive him. A new poster at the hospital gets people talking, and Seon-woo is cornered.
S1:E20 —
1 Сезон,
20 Серия 23 апреля 2009
Cho-in turns a blind eye to Seon-woo, who has a brain hemorrhage. As his condition worsens, his mother begs Cho-in to save him, but he refuses.
Episode 20
Cho-in turns a blind eye to Seon-woo, who has a brain hemorrhage. As his condition worsens, his mother begs Cho-in to save him, but he refuses.